Thursday, February 9, 2012

Eating Disorders 101 (Fast facts) #3

Alrighty! It's time for the final post about eating disorders, well at this point in time at least!

Orthorexia Nervosa 

  • This is my a not so well-known term that is commonly recognized as an UNHEALTHY obsession with healthy food.
  • Now it is not officially known as an eating disorder but it can still be just as dangerous.
Binge Eating Disorders

  • Eating disorders are not always about losing weight but can also be about GAINING weight, to an unhealthy extent.
  • Sufferers often feel 'out of control' whilst eating.
  • There are many health complications when it comes to being overweight.

 I'm not as familiar with these one so I don't want to say too much, in case of sharing false information, so I'll leave some links I found to be interesting and informative :)

Remember, a healthy you is a beautiful you! And I mean that, although it's very difficult to love your body, even acknowledging good things about your body can be a big help.
Everyones body is going to be different, maintaining a healthy weight and exercising regularly is what your main goals should be!

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