Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I've had great ideas for the two blogs.

I've been sat here for over an hour, looking at this white screen. Once I get back to the swing of things, this blog will be bursting with positive posts! I promise! But for now, I'll leave you with this;
You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don't try. -Beverly Sills

Monday, January 30, 2012

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Writing is an excellent outlet.

One of the most effective things that have, well at least lighten the grasp depression has on me, is writing.
Now you don't have to be a scholar writer or an accomplished writer to write. Look at me! There's not a whole lot of talent here but I've found blogs a great way to get both a positive and negative feedback. Mostly positive, bloggers are generally friendly and supportive! I'm about to list some topics to help yourself get writing, they've worked for me!

  • What'd you do today? (Detailed, of course!)
  • Lists! (Lists have proven to be very easy to write.)
  • Talk about your music preferences.
  • Explain your love or hate for social networks! (I'm sure you have an opinion!)
  • Talk about your favourite person. (Parent, lover.)
  • Talk about your pets. (I guess you've already realized I love animals.) 

    Write as much as you can about whatever you can! Seriously, it helps. 

    Saturday, January 28, 2012

    The thought that people are actually reading this is mind blowing.

    While I don't always have the motivation to get out and help people. I'm always down to write. Writing has gotten me through a lot, whether it's been poetry, short stories or just ranting like I'm doing right now. Maybe with more practice I might actually get somewhere with it. I'm so pleased to sign in and see how many people have read my posts alreadly. I don't mind if anyone thinks it's stupid, I just want someone, anyone to read this and think 'Hey, I'm really not alone.' I know through my darkest times reading about other peoples struggles and success stories really gave me motivation almost!
     Remember, we can't afford to lose anymore awesome people to suicide.

    Suicide never has to be an option.

    With more and more people struggling with day to day life, me being one of those people. I've been there and I'm sure a lot of people who end up reading this have too.
    I just want to kind of to write a small post on how many other options there are. Seriously!
    A few years ago I would of probably believed suicide was the only option. There are so many things you can do whilst feeling suicidal. For starters there are a lot of good help lines and sites!

    Kids Help Phone: 1-800-668-6868 (For younger kids and teens)
    National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255
    Any Emergency Number in your Area. (991 etc.)
    Check your Local Phone Book. (The front should usually have a list of crisis numbers)

    http://www.itgetsbetter.org/ is an awesome site for LGBT youth or anyone who'd like to support those youth!
    http://www.suicideprevention.ca/ a great Canadian association!
    http://www.allianceofhope.org/ for anyone dealing with the loss of someone from suicide, check this out!
    http://www.suicide.org/suicide-hotlines.html a list of hotlines all through America!

    These are just a few I know of and have heard great things about, I'll update it someday when I get more infortmation :)
    Remember to smile!

    Friday, January 27, 2012

    You, yes you. You are truly beautiful, inside and out.

    Dogs are so therapeutic.

    I adore my puppy dog. He seemly takes my anxiety away without even thinking about it. Well of course he doesn't do it on purpose. You honestly don't need a trained dog to help you relax and such. Animals are great for people who struggle with mental illnesses! Seriously! I mean, they are a lot of work but it seriously does pay off! Not to mention I'm incredibly lazy, so I know all about not wanting the work involved in a pet. But you wouldn't need to go as far as a dog to see results. Even fish have an awesome way of making you feel relaxed!

    Im writing this while sitting in a waiting room.

    Im pretty sure everyone hates waiting rooms. They create such horrible anxiety and its just plain uncomfortable.

    Wednesday, January 25, 2012

    How cliche would it be if I told you life's what you make it?

    Im sure at least one other person is thinking of Hannah Montana right now as they read that. I know I did! Hannah aside, it's a very correct statement. Especially for people dealing with personal mental struggles. No matter what though, you cant give up because 'Only posers die.' Yes, I quoted Slc Punks... But it's true! When things get tough, you need to sit down, clear your head and focus on you! This is your life, your future. So if you spend an extra 10 minutes cuddling in bed some mornings, more power to you! Spending time even in the littlest ways can be a huge help.

    Mental Illness, debatable?

    Dealing with mental illness' can be really difficult. Some people like to think they don't 'exist' but whether they exist or not, what I've gone through in recent years, is pretty damn real. I've learnt a lot but in the end, it wasn't the countless hours of therapy that helped, nor the cocktail of unheard of meds but life style changes and personal determination. I started this to retell my tale of mental illness.