Sunday, January 29, 2012

Writing is an excellent outlet.

One of the most effective things that have, well at least lighten the grasp depression has on me, is writing.
Now you don't have to be a scholar writer or an accomplished writer to write. Look at me! There's not a whole lot of talent here but I've found blogs a great way to get both a positive and negative feedback. Mostly positive, bloggers are generally friendly and supportive! I'm about to list some topics to help yourself get writing, they've worked for me!

  • What'd you do today? (Detailed, of course!)
  • Lists! (Lists have proven to be very easy to write.)
  • Talk about your music preferences.
  • Explain your love or hate for social networks! (I'm sure you have an opinion!)
  • Talk about your favourite person. (Parent, lover.)
  • Talk about your pets. (I guess you've already realized I love animals.) 

    Write as much as you can about whatever you can! Seriously, it helps. 

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